Sunday, September 14, 2008

Craft Saturday--October 18, 2008

Taylor Ranch Ward Craft Saturday

Saturday, October 18
9 AM - 12 PM (classes)
12 PM - 1 PM (lunch)

Relief Society and Young Women are invited to participate
(and any friends too!)

There will not be a nursery that day
so make plans for your children if necessary :-)

The deadline for signing up for our Craft Saturday classes is this Wednesday evening at our Home, Family, and Personal Enrichment Meeting (Wednesday, September 12). Below are close-up pictures and prices for this year's projects:

Magnetic Message Boards--Small is $10; Large is $15

"The Living Christ" framed picture--$17

Family Home Evening Board--$11

Quiet Books (5 to choose from)--$1.50 each

Scrabble Tile Necklaces (2 to choose from)--$5 each

Sandy Spohn will also be demonstrating making her famous Pretzel Rods. The cost for the class is $2. Each participant will get four caramel and chocolate covered pretzel rods to take home.

Jessie Allen is organizing a service project for this day also. There are sign up sheets to bring components for meals that will be frozen and used for compassionate service purposes. You may call her for more information if you desire.

Any other questions about Craft Saturday may be directed to Jenny Childers. E-mail is the best way to reach her (you should be able to click the link to e-mail her):


Katsinger said...

Hi, wow you guys did a great craft night. We are doing a Super Saturday for enrichment in August and would love to know how you guys figured out how to do everything so cheap.

Cheryl J. said...

Hi Katrina :-) I wasn't on the Craft Saturday committee so I'm not sure how they did everything so cheap, but I know we got the inspiration to make the magnetic boards online at:

The owner suggested we make our own version so I think our committee did.

You can buy the Living Christ cards to make that frame at Deseret Book as I recall.

I hope this helps a little.